TFSA - Tax Free Savings Account

I am a big promoter of Tax Free Savings Accounts ( TFSAs). In Canada anyone with a valid social insurance number ( SIN), who is older than 18 in most provinces and 19 in some can contribute to a TFSA.

The great thing about TFSA is that it doesn't just have to be a savings account. You can have a self - directed TFSA and can buy shares, bonds, units of mutual funds etc ... Remember any income you earn in your TFSA in the form of capital gains, interest income , dividend income is not taxable.

Here are some other important points you need to understand about a TFSA :

To finish off, some numbers to demonstrate the value of a TFSA:

I hope you open a TFSA and save your money :) !

The government of Canada has a great website with more infomraiton on a TFSA :

You can find a TFSA calculator here :

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